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What is it?

Access Bars are 32 points on your head, that when gently touched, releases the thoughts, beliefs, ideas and emotions that have been holding you back to live life to the fullest.

Access Bars is a touch therapy by gently touching different points on your head. These 32 points on your head represent different areas of your life.

Think of a party. A party can become busy and loud like our emotions. At this party, you are trying to get your friends attention , but it’s too loud and she can’t hear you, so you gently touch her to get her attention. Access bars uses a gentle touch to get the attention of an emotion. 

These 32 points that are gently touched correspond to different areas in our lives, such as money, control , creativity, joy and communication. However all these points are naturally connected.

Life can be stressful and busy and often overwhelming.

Access Bars quietens the mind and brings our bodies and emotions back into balance by making you feel at ease. That heavy feeling on your shoulders can be lifted!

Our bodies are so sensitive to our emotions and often certain emotions can affect organs in our body. We pair Access Bars with kinesiology as we can test what emotions are affecting which organ in your body and not allowing it to work properly.

We do a clearing of emotions:

Our bodies can hold onto emotions for a long period of time which then starts to make us feel heavy and tired, by clearing emotions we lift that heavy feeling and release that emotion that was being held. Once an emotion is cleared, you will feel more clarity and peace moving forward. Emotions will feel more manageable.

Access Bars benefits all ages including children with learning disabilities. Children and teens often struggle processing different emotions which can be overwhelming. Access Bars calms the mind and helps the body align with emotions making it easier to cope and not get overwhelmed so easily. 

After a Bars session , many children and teens feel happier and have a much improved performance at school and at home. They will sleep with more ease and will be more relaxed which will help with anxiety and stress.

Access Bars will also benefit those who suffer with PTSD and stress disorders by creating peace and clarity in the mind. 

We also add a vagus nerve reset in the Access bars session. The vagus nerve , also known as the vagal nerves, are the main nerves in our nervous system. This controls specific body functions such as your digestion, heart rate , and immune system. These nerves run right throughout the body.

By resetting the vagus nerve , we re-balance the nervous system. It will reduce anxiety and stress, improve your mental health as well as physical health. Stimulation of the vagus nerve reduces heart rate and promotes a healthy tummy , increases blood flow to organs as well as reducing inflammation. 

What can Access bars do for me ?

  • Improvement of sleep

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Increased mental clarity 

  • Greater relaxation

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Increased energy

  • Lower stress and body tension

  • Increase concentration

  • Reduced limiting thoughts, beliefs and feelings

What does an Access bars session look like ? 

An Access Bars session is 60 minutes long.  You lay fully clothed on your back with your arms to the side on a massage bed. Now this is the time to relax ! 

Your practitioner will be seated behind you during your bars session. You will feel the points on your head being gently touched. 

Kinesiology is used to find the emotions affecting organs in the body.  You will stand with your feet parallel to your practitioner and lift one arm straight out in front of you. The practitioner will be essentially asking your body questions and pushing slight pressure on the arm that is held up. Some questions , your arm will be able to stay up whilst some questions your arm will dip. This indicates that this is an area of concern.

After your Bars session, your practitioner will retest the emotions that were picked up during the kinesiology. You will see most emotions have cleared! Which results in you feeling lighter and relaxed. Emotions will feel more manageable.

A vagus nerve reset will be done at the end of your session.

How many Access bars sessions will I need?

Just one session can change your life for the better. It depends on you and what you are looking for. A session a week or monthly is so recommended.

How much more ease, joy and change would you like to have in your life ?

So what are you waiting for? Book now to change your life! How can it get better than this?

to find more "science" behind this:


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