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How Essential is Essential Health Wellness Centre for Your Overall Wellbeing?

Client in Bio resonance Scan Session with Lee Marais
Client in Bio resonance Scan Session with Lee Marais

20 years ago I saw what Bio resonance testing can do. I witnessed a 9 year old autistic child, who could not make eye contact, could not talk, and who did not fit into the box of society, come into the place I was working. I looked at this child wondering what her future would be like. Her mother was very concerned and being a mom I could only imagine her worry. I wondered how in the world these machines and the process would help a child like this.

Being new to the field and still not quite understanding it I watched over the next few months how this little girl blossomed! And after a few months she walked in, looked me in the eyes and said "hello". I almost burst into tears. She had started speaking, and could make eye contact, she walked in again with absolute courage and strength in herself. You could see she felt comfortable in her own skin again. Incredible!

So what did this appointment entail? Well it looked at her entire body and its function. This was done by a machine using Bio resonance. It looks for disconnections and weakened areas. It looked for nutritional deficiencies, sensitivities or allergies to certain foods etc, and it looked at her gut and brain and the connection thereof. She was put onto a regime to rectify imbalances and over time her body relearned what it was meant to do and not meant to do. And she thrived!

Bio resonance
Bio resonance

Since then I have seen things like:

A woman had a stroke and came in using a wheelchair. 3 weeks later she walked in UNASSISTED.

A man with a massive viral infection in his nerves not able to walk, in a wheelchair, completely swollen from medication, unable to talk, eat, drink and frankly a shell of himself. A month later coming in still in a wheelchair but able to speak and far less swollen. A month later walking in on his own UNASSISTED.

Someone in hospital dying from Covid and after he was given some natural plant based meds came out of hospital a new person.

A woman that after 13 years could not fall pregnant and after detoxing her and her husband and putting them on a simple vitamin regime fell pregnant and has had 3 children since then. She was told she would NEVER have children ever in her life.

Over the past 20 years I just have way too many stories to tell of my own. But what you can do is you can read our testimonials from others to hear it from their mouth.

We do understand that this is quite new therapy and that many people don't believe that it works - but in my 20 years experience - it does. And we have THOUSANDS of clients who can tell you that it does from their personal experience.

Healthy and Happy
Healthy and Happy

why is essential health different?

Essential Health Wellness Centre has been around now for over 20 years. Our experience of dealing with all types of illnesses and knowing how to deal with them for each person individually is exceptional.

We are not just a one man band, we are a fully fledged wellness centre with other complementary modalities all in-house, to assist with faster, all-round healing for the clients no matter their issue.

We also have great relationships with other complementary health practitioners around KZN who can assist in other modalities not at the centre.

We are able to offer blood tests to our clients where they don't need to go and see a general practitioner to get this done.

We have our own range of amazing natural products which have been tried and tested for their efficacy over the last 5 years. So we have learnt what does work and what doesn't work.

Just take a look at some of our amazing reviews on our own range of medications:

With experience over the years, we have seen which clients do well with which meds, and which would not help them at all. This allows for less trial and error and of course wasting of clients funds.

We have other therapies which would be an additional help for our clients all in house. Also the fact that we all work together all the therapists are able to confer with one another for the betterment of the client.

And best of all Essential Health has a very good name in the industry. It is known across South Africa and even internationally. Essential Health has assisted more than 9 practitioners world wide to get their practices up and running by acquiring machines for them, assisting in the shipping and installation remotely, training and ongoing support for each person via Zoom and Team Viewer. These practitioners purchase medications from Essential Health and these are shipped to their respective country. These practitioners still contact Essential Health for support and help should they not be able to assist a client confidently. We have even had a practitioner fly out from New Zealand to spend a month with us and do in-house training with us and our practitioners. So we know that our name carries a lot of good confidence not only in South Africa but Internationally and we are currently building on this.

Essential health in western cape

Essential Health works with Health Basket in Willowbridge Mall, Western Cape by doing distance testing using DNA Hair samples. And we have a wonderful relationship with our clients from KZN. These hair samples allow them to find the exact condition their body is struggling with and then to purchase the correct medication from Health Basket allowing them to heal much quicker. We have many wonderful testimonials but Sean has definitely seen a fantastic improvement in his health. Take a look:

Sean DNA Hair Analysis Client from Health Basket
Sean DNA Hair Analysis Client from Health Basket

Who would benefit from A bio-resonance scan with essential health?

What we work with at Essential Health Wellness Centre
What we work with at Essential Health Wellness Centre
  • Are you looking at changing their health and lifestyle?

  • Are you looking for a root cause for an ailment?

  • Are you struggling with stress?

  • Do you want to detox?

  • Are you looking for non drug alternatives?

  • Are you wondering which vitamins and minerals you need?

  • Are you feeling toxic and need help?

  • Are you struggling with your hormones?

  • Are you experiencing poor Gut health and brain health?

  • Are you feeling inflamed or struggling with inflammation in the body?

  • Are you wanting to prevent disease?

  • Are you wanting to lose weight naturally and keep it off!

  • Are you lost in your health and your life and need a direction forward?

If you have answered YES to any of these - we got you! And you need to give us a call

how do you get an appointment?

We have some great easy ways:

Whatsapp or call us on 083 654 9943

Send us a contact me by clicking here

So whichever your platform we got you and we are here to answer any questions you may have.


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