Frequently Asked Questions

What We Do
The Rife Resonator

Everything in the universe, living or dead, has it's own resonant frequency. Just as the resonant frequency which shatters a crystal glass can only shatter that type of glass, so Rife's frequencies destroy only specific types of disease organisms with the exact same pattern of oscillation. Each Virus, each bacteria, each type of cancer cell will have their unique frequency. Because every cell vibrates at a specific and unique frequency, identifying that frequency then increasing its amplitude causes structural stressor that eventually destroy the organism. Using this technique Rife could destroy a virus , bacteria or cancer cell or any other pathogen, without disturbing or harming the surrounding tissue. Rife's most famous results were his experiment with cancer. He was given a group of people with cancer who were dying. After treatment with the Rife resonator, 100 % of the group recovered showing no signs of cancer in their bodies. Treatments vary in session length and the period one needs to do this. Cancer, for example, has to be done consistently for at least a month. Others can be stopped when the problem has disappeared

17D NLS Bio-Resonance Analyzer is an advanced Non-Invasive Device that scans and detects the functional status of your body. With noninvasive scanning, you can get a full analysis without ever having to touch or probe inside anyone’s organs.
If you are unsure of what is happening in your body this is the device for you. We will test your entire body and tell you exactly where the imbalances are that are causing you to have symptoms in your body.
Russian physicists have created a technology called Bioresonance Scanning which uses light to evaluate cellular and genetic function of the body. Research has demonstrated that electromagnetic waves emitted by diseased organs including cancer cells, vary from those emitted by healthy cells. This is due to their differences in cell metabolism and DNA damage. This theory is known as the law of nonlinear dynamic systems. The law describes that any pathological (disease) process or deviation from the norm is a unique, strictly defined (change in electromagnetic waves) energy spectrum. Unlike blood work and other biochemical tests, the cellular energy of tissue is always affected before the byproduct of the tissue is altered in any way. This cellular evaluation can help us see potential problems before blood chemistry reveals any changes. This explanation sheds light on why people complete “normal” blood tests and one year later can be diagnosed with a disease such as cancer.
20 years of experience
Early detection and focus on the root cause of the disease
Scans and checks the whole body from head to toe
Checks on organ functionality
Aware of current health status
Non invasive
Is the BIORESONANCE scan safe?
Yes, it is very safe, even for pregnant mothers and children since there are no harmful radiations involved. The BR scan is CE certified and has been tested for safety.
Does the assessment hurt?
Not at all and it is even comfortable for children
How often is the assessment done?
After your first assessment scan we will put you on a detox for 3 to 4 weeks depending on your results of your scan, thereafter a follow up appointment will be made to reassess your body.
What results can I expect?
Expect to see “stress potentials” in your body system i.e. even before clinical symptoms occur. You will then be given advice on how to protect your health or regain it if you have already lost it!
How long does it take for the entire assessment?
The Bioresonance scan will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Thereafter a 30 minute foot detox will take place whereby your consult will begin with your practitioner
A full appointment is 90 minutes in length
Do I need to undress?
Absolutely not. You stay dressed the entire time.
Will I feel unwell after the appointment?
Not at all. The detox may make you feel energised or it may make you feel a little tired. But not unwell.
Is there a reason I cannot do the scan?
Yes if you have a pace maker unfortunately we cannot test you directly, however we can still do a consult using your hair sample instead therefore bypassing the pass maker completely.
Also if you are taking any form of epileptic meds we can't do the detox for you but can still do the scan.
Can you test me from a distance if I cannot get to you?
Absolutely. We can do the full scan using your Hair, Blood, Saliva or finger nails sample. You just won't be able to do a foot detox.
Do we work with Autistic/Downs/ADD/ADHD children?
Absolutely we do. With these children we do prefer a hair sample to be accompanied with the parents and the test will therefore be done in the parents presents. We will then do a full consultation with the parents to inform them of what is needed to help the children further. Follow ups for the kiddies will therefore be the same.
Do you need to undress in the Session?
No not at all. You will be fully clothed at all time.
Is it at all painful?
No not painful at all and is even comfortable for babies, small children and oldies.
What are your prices of your different services?